
ao2's Titans turn three

begleri events

ao2's Titans turn three

"I still see the Titans as the begleri design I'm most proud of, because it was exactly what it needed to be at the time."

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sling slam 2019 official rules

begleri events

sling slam 2019 official rules

Sling Slam 2019 is slated to be the first ever full-fledged worldwide open begleri freestyle contest. The contest is scheduled to run August 11-17, in an online format modelled after the successful Single Grip Open (SGO) contest that we have run annually since 2016, but without the restrictions of “single grip” play.

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worldwide begleri beatdown

begleri events

worldwide begleri beatdown

The first ever worldwide open begleri freestyle contest is coming mid-August. Be ready!

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soft launch of the new site

shop news

soft launch of the new site

If you've found your way here, congratulations, and welcome. This might turn out to be the new home of Aroundsquare on the web. We've been bumping up against the limitations of our old platform for a while, and although it has served us well, we have been exploring alternatives. As we are testing things out, we've set up this new shop under an alternate URL, and have listed a few products on it in order to test out the functionality before seriously considering migrating the main shop.

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